Effect of fast electron irradiation (E= 2.2 Mcv, cPe = 1 x 10'" c1/crn2) and subsequent amealings (2' = 150 to 350 "C, t = 10 to 600 min) of zinc-doped p-type GaAs crystals on the formation and dissociation of VA,Znc;t, pairs is studied. An analysis of the formation and dissociation kinetics of VA,Znc,, pairs pcrmittcd to find the diffusion coefficient of radiation-induced arsenic vacaricics D(D = 1.5 x crn2/s at 150, 175 and 200 "C accordingly), their migration energy E,,,(E,,, = 1.1 eV), the binding energy of VAhZnci, pairs E I~( E I , = 0.5 eV), and also their dissociation energy &,I(&,! = 1.6 eV). 1 x arid 5 x M 3 y Y e H O BnARHHe 3JIeKTPOHHOrO 0 6 n y~e~u n (@? = 1 X 3 n / C M 2 ) U IIOCJleny€OWUX O T X Ur o B (T = 150 -350 "c, t = 10 -600 MUH) K p a c T a n n o B p-GaAs(Zn) H a 06pa30sa~kie U necco-qMaquro nap VAsZnGa. AHBJIU~ K m e T C i K u 0 6 p a 3 0 B a H U R u nticcoquaqnu nap VA,ZIIC,, n03~0nun O n p e R e n U T b K03C#)C#)WqAeHT RMC#)C#)Y3UA PaRMaL(MOHH0 -CTAMYnWPOBaHHblX BaKaHCUfi MblUlbRKa D ( D = 1.5 X 10-", 1 X M 5 X lo-]' CM2/C IIpU 150, 175 A 200°C COOTBeTCTBeHHO), 3 H e p -rUI0 aKTMBaqMM n p O q e C C a UX RAC#)C#)Y3AM &,,,(El,, = 1.1 3B), 3 H e p r M I o CBH3H M e X R y KOMnOHeHTa-MM nap VAsZnGa &I , (el, = 0.5 3B), a T a K x e 3~e p r~m R w c c o q M a q m i n o c n e R H M x (&,I = 1.6 3B).