“…where Demand i,t is a measure of information acquisition for customer i on day t, and Supp Earnings [a,b] is a dummy variable set to one if any of the customer's suppliers announces earnings between event days [a,b]. I use three measures of customer information acquisition: log Google SVI for the customer's ticker (Da, Engelberg, and Gao [2011], Drake, Roulstone, and Thornock [2012], Madsen and Niessner [2016]) and log of total number of daily downloads and daily 10K downloads from the SEC's EDGAR database for the customer's filings (Drake, Roulstone, and Thornock [2015], Lee, Ma, and Wang [2015]). The primary event days I consider are the three days before and after an earnings announcement (i.e., days [−3,−1] and [0,2]).…”