Percutaneous revascularization of peripheral artery chronic total occlusion (CTO) is challenging under X-ray guidance without direct image feedback, due to poor visualization of the obstructed segment and underappreciation of vessel tortuosity. Operators are required to steer interventional devices relatively "blindly," and therefore procedural failure or perforation may occur. Alternatively, MRI may allow complete visualization of both patent and occluded arterial segments. We designed and implemented a 3D high-resolution, Atherosclerotic peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a widely prevalent disorder that affects millions worldwide and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality (1,2). Patients with lower-extremity PAD may suffer intermittent claudication or critical limb ischemia due to stenotic or occlusive arterial plaques. Minimally invasive X-ray-guided, catheter-based revascularization procedures, such as percutaneous intravascular angioplasty and stent implantation, can relieve arterial obstruction and improve muscle perfusion in selected patients (3,4). A detailed understanding of the geometry of the patent, stenotic, and occluded arterial segments is crucial to ensure procedural success and freedom from complications such as vascular perforation. Here we present a high-resolution 3D magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) method that provides detailed visualization of the entire artery in a range of anatomic and atherosclerotic configurations within 5Ϫ10 min.Traditional arteriography (radiocontrast X-ray, contrast-enhanced (CE)-MRA, and time-of-flight (TOF)-MRA) requires luminal patency and blood flow. In patients with chronic total occlusions (CTOs), the absence of a lumen to hold the contrast agents makes these vessels completely invisible from the point of total occlusion to the point where the collateral-mediated circulation begins to feed the vessel. Figure 1 shows an example of an X-ray angiogram in a patient with a peripheral CTO. Note the missing segment (nearly 6 cm long) in the left common iliac artery at its origin at the aortic bifurcation. The absence of image guidance, which typically is coupled with long lesion lengths, increased vessel tortuosity, and vessel shrinkage due to negative remodeling, can make it challenging to maneuver through the occluded vessels without rupturing or dissecting the vessel walls. A minority of the atherosclerotic occlusions have sufficient diffuse calcification to allow X-ray visualization in at least part of the occluded vascular trajectory. In the absence of such clues, clinicians need other techniques to plan a recanalization trajectory. In this study we present a high-resolution 3D MRI technique with contrast properties that enable differentiation between the arterial walls, adjacent structures, intraluminal blood, and the CTO lesion, thus providing good visualization of the vascular borders, vessel tortuosity, and the location and length of the lesion within the lumen.The implementation of MRI for high-resolution imaging of arterial vessel walls and...