prave puteve za izlazak iz krize čiji počeci sežu još od početka devedesetih godina prethodnog veka. Posledice višegodišnjeg potcenjivanja finansijsko-strukturnih problema, pa i nerazumevanja od strane onih koji bi trebalo da trasiraju puteve oporavka iznurene srpske privrede, vidljive su danas skoro na svakom koraku. Sve te posledice mogle bi se objediniti u konstataciji da naša privreda u najvećem delu još uvek nije dorasla za nadmetanje u veoma oštroj konkurentskoj utakmici koja je očekuje na globalnom nivou. Bez podizanja njene konkurentnosti teško je poverovati u priče o bilo kakvom napretku nacionalne ekonomije, većoj zaposlenosti, poboljšanju standarda i svakom drugom društveno-ekonomskom boljitku. Rad koji je pred vama promoviše upravo ovu ideju i nudi nekoliko konkretnih rešenja koja bi u sadejstvu sa nekim drugim sistemskim merama, trebala da omoguće dugo očekivani oporavak srpske privrede.
IntroductionIt is the fact that we are constantly exposed to information regarding macroeconomic stabilisation, budget deficit, efficiency of economic and financial sector, needs to reconsider growth models, problems of increasing economic activity, necessity of promoting export, addressing unemployment problems and so on. What is common to such issues are very different projections of necessary increase in economic activity and rate of GDP growth. In our opinion, it happens due to a fact that creators of such projections often accept without enough criticism various optimistic scenarios, or without any deeper consideration of problems and potentials of economy and certain sectors belonging to it. Choosing to research thoroughly the
AbstractFrom the present point of view, we may conclude that, besides the usual incompleteness of legal framework, lack of corporate culture, extremely long and still unfinished privatization, which was mostly inadequate and implemented inefficiently, accumulated financial structural problems in our companies, whose origin dates back to the early 1990s of the last century, pose an additional burden restraining Serbian economy to finally find the right path for the exit from the crisis. Nowadays, at almost every step, we witness consequences resulted from many years of underestimating financial structural problems and even lack of understanding by those who should point the way towards the recovery of exhausted Serbian economy. All these consequences could be unified by the statement that our economy is still mostly immature to deal with a very tough competition awaiting it at a global level. Without raising the competitiveness of national economy, it is hard to believe the stories of its improvement in any segment, of higher employment, raising standards and any other socioeconomic well-being. The following paper advocates this very idea and offers several concrete solutions, which, along with some other systemic measures, should enable long-awaited recovery of Serbian ...