We propose a novel mechanism to suppress the isocurvature perturbations of the QCD axion. The point is that the QCD interactions become strong at an intermediate or high energy scale in the very early Universe, if the Higgs field has a sufficiently large expectation value. The effective QCD scale can be even higher in the presence of extra colored particles. We show that the QCD axion then becomes so heavy during inflation that its isocurvature perturbations are significantly suppressed, thereby relaxing the constraint on the inflation scale.The axion a is a Nambu-Goldstone boson associated with the spontaneous breakdown of the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) symmetry introduced to solve the strong CP problem in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) [1,2]. The axion acquires a tiny but non-zero mass from the QCD instanton effects, and it is stabilized at the CP conserving vacuum. The dynamical relaxation of the CP phase necessarily induces coherent oscillations of the axion, which contribute to cold dark matter (CDM) as the axion is stable in a cosmological time scale.If the axion is present during inflation, it is subject to quantum fluctuations,where H inf denotes the Hubble parameter during inflation. The quantum fluctuations lead to an almost scale-invariant CDM isocurvature density fluctuation, which leaves a distinctive imprint on the cosmic microwave background (CMB) spectrum. The observed CMB spectrum can be well fitted by a nearly scale-invariant adiabatic density perturbation, and a mixture of the isocurvature perturbation is tightly constrained. This constraint can be interpreted as an upper bound on the inflation scale in the axion CDM scenario [3],at 95% CL, where f a is the axion decay constant [4,5]. The constraint becomes much more * email: ksjeong@tuhep.phys.tohoku.ac.jp † email: fumi@tuhep.phys.tohoku.ac.jp stringent for a smaller value of f a due to anharmonic effects [6,7]. Clearly, a chaotic inflation model [8][9][10][11] is in tension with the axion CDM. There are several known ways to avoid the constraint. First, if the PQ symmetry is restored during inflation, the axion does not exist, and so there is no isocurvature perturbation [12,13]. The axion appears when the PQ symmetry is spontaneous broken after inflation. In such case, however, topological defects such as cosmic strings and domain walls are generated, and in particular the domain wall number must be unity to avoid the overclosure of the Universe. Secondly, if the coefficient of the axion kinetic term was larger during inflation than at present, the size of δa can be suppressed. This can be realized if the radial component of the PQ scalar has a flat potential and takes a larger value during inflation [12,14]. Alternatively, a similar effect is possible if there is a non-minimal coupling to gravity [15].In this letter we propose another way to relax the isocurvature constraint on the inflation scale in the axion CDM scenario. The point is that, if the Higgs field has a sufficiently large expectation value during inflation, the QCD confines at an interm...