Difficult search tasks are known to involve attentional resources, but the spatiotemporal behavior of attention remains unknown. Are multiple search targets processed in sequence or in parallel? We developed an innovative methodology to solve this notoriously difficult problem. Observers performed a difficult search task during which two probes were flashed at varying delays. Performance in reporting probes at each location was considered a measure of attentional deployment. By solving a second-degree equation, we determined the probability of probe report at the most and least attended probe locations on each trial. Because these values differed significantly, we conclude that attention was focused on one stimulus or subgroup of stimuli at a time, and not divided uniformly among all search stimuli. Furthermore, this deployment was modulated periodically over time at ∼7 Hz. These results provide evidence for a nonuniform spatiotemporal deployment of attention during difficult search.V isual search tasks (e.g., to find a target embedded among similar looking distracters) have long been used to investigate the deployment of attention (1-6). Certain tasks are performed "efficiently," in which case the search time and accuracy are independent of the number of distracters. Other tasks are more difficult, or "inefficient," characterized by an increase in reaction times (RTs) and/or a decrease in accuracy with the number of distracting elements, a result typically attributed to the need to allocate attention (4-7). For more than 30 y now, since the pioneering study of Treisman and Gelade in 1980 (4), two opposing theories of attention deployment during difficult search have persisted. Attention could either be allocated nonuniformly to the stimuli, such that in some cases it would switch sequentially from one stimulus (or group of stimuli) to another (4, 5), or be divided uniformly to process all of the stimuli in parallel, but with a drop in efficiency for increasing distractor numbers (2,(8)(9)(10). To date, neither of these two theories has been unequivocally disproved. Overall performance in the search task itself is not directly informative, because both theories predict an increase in RT with the number of distracters (11,12). One alternative is to use briefly flashed probes to test for the deployment of attention at a specific location and time. With two probes, it should be possible to differentiate parallel and sequential processing strategies: The strict parallel theory predicts that both probes should receive equal amounts of attention, whereas the sequential theory predicts that one of the probes will receive more attention than the other. Of course, the most attended probe may not be the same one on every trial, but a simple mathematical manipulation, the solution of a quadratic equation, allows us to access this information despite the need to average performance over trials.In recent years, a second, related, debate has arisen in the literature concerning the temporal behavior of attention. It has been p...