“…The EtOAc extract of E. fusca bark was separated by extensive column chromatography to give three new isomeric flavanones, named fuscaflavanones A 1 (1), A 2 (2) and B (3), along with six known flavanones, lupinifolin (4), 9) lonchocarpol A (5), 10,11) a mixture of lonchocarpols C 1 and C 2 (6a, b), 11,12) a mixture of lonchocarpols D 1 and D 2 (7a, b), 12) five pterocarpans, sandwicensin (8), 6,13) phaseollidin (9), 14) erythrabissin I (10), 14) and a mixture of dolichins A and B (11a, b), 15) one chalcone, isobavachalcone (12), 16) and one isoflavone, wighteone (13) 17,18) ( Fig. 1).…”