Introduction: the endometrial carcinoma is the sixth cancer worldwide. Usually it is diagnosed in early stages. The sites of recurrence includes vaginal cuff and lymph nodes, however some metastasis have been described to vagina, peritoneum and lungs, among others. Case report: Elder female with history of an endometrial carcinoma 7 years ago, surgically treated. With histopathology that reported myometrial infiltration in a 95% without invasion to other organs and lymphadenectomy free of neoplasm (FIGO IB), who consult at the emergency room due to abdominal pain and black stool, with further studies that make evident a gastric lesion with biopsy reported as a poorly differentiated carcinoma, vimentin positive, compatible with gastric metastasis secondary to an endometrial carcinoma. Chemoterapy was indicated, documenting total posterior response of the lesion. Discussion: Secondary lessions in stomach are rare. If they are present at the moment of diagnosis half of the patients concomitantly have metastasis in other organs. The endometrial carcinoma hasn't been described as a common localization that result in this compromise. Conclusion: the case exposed is a clinical challenge, a therapeutic success is shared. Limited evidence is available. Further studies are necessary to evaluate the prognosis, therapeutic options and to define the relevance of screening tests for early detection.