Top-Rank-K Frequent Itemset (or Pattern) Mining (FPM) is an important data mining task, where user decides on the number of top frequency ranks of patterns (itemsets) they want to mine from a transactional dataset. This problem does not require the minimum support threshold parameter that is typically used in FPM problems. Rather, the algorithms solving the Top-Rank-K FPM problem are fed with K , the number of frequency ranks of itemsets required, to compute the threshold internally. This paper presents two declarative approaches to tackle the Top-Rank-K Closed FPM problem. The first approach is Boolean Satisfiability-based (SAT-based) where we propose an effective encoding for the problem along with an efficient algorithm employing this encoding. The second approach is CP-based, that is, utilizes Constraint Programming technique, where a simple CP model is exploited in an innovative manner to mine the Top-Rank-K Closed FPM itemsets from transactional datasets. Both approaches are evaluated experimentally against other declarative and imperative algorithms. The proposed SAT-based approach significantly outperforms IM, another SAT-based approach, and outperforms the proposed CP-approach for sparse and moderate datasets, whereas the latter excels on dense datasets. An extensive study has been conducted to assess the