Dispersal determines gene flow among groups in a population and so plays a major role in many ecological and evolutionary processes, from biological invasions to species extinctions. Because patterns of gene flow shape kin structure, dispersal is also important to the evolution of social behaviours that influence reproduction and survival within groups. Conversely, dispersal patterns depend on kin structure and social behaviour. Dispersal and social behaviour therefore co-evolve but the nature and consequences of this interplay are not well understood. Here, we model this co-evolution and show that it readily leads to the emergence and maintenance of two broadly-defined social morphs: a sessile, benevolent morph expressed by individuals who tend to increase the fecundity of others within their group relative to their own; and a dispersive, self-serving morph expressed by individuals who tend to increase their own fecundity relative to others' within their group. This social polymorphism arises as a consequence of a positive linkage between the loci responsible for dispersal and social behaviour, leading to benevolent individuals preferentially interacting with relatives and self-serving individuals with non-relatives. We find that this positive linkage is favoured under a large spectrum of conditions, which suggests that an association between dispersal proclivity and other social traits should be common in nature. In line with this prediction, dispersing individuals across a wide range of organisms have been reported to differ in their social tendencies from non-dispersing individuals. * Electronic address: charles.mullon@unil.ch groups 8-16 . However, the consequences of this co-evolution for within-species behavioural diversity e.g., 17 remain elusive. Here, we model the co-evolution between unconditional dispersal and social behaviours, and show that it readily leads to a stable genetic and social polymorphism, whereby individuals who disperse behave differently than non-dispersers.To model social interactions within groups and dispersal between groups, we assume that the population is structured according to the infinite island model 5,18,19 , in which individuals belong to local groups and interact socially only with other locals. As a baseline, we assume that groups are of fixed size N , that individuals reproduce asexually and then die so that generations do not overlap. An offspring either remains in its natal group (with probability 1 − d ), or disperses to another randomly chosen one (with probability d ) and survives dispersal with probability 1 − c d . Social interactions are modelled with a classical matrix game 20 : individuals randomly pair up within their group and each independently chooses between two actions denoted B (with probability z) and M (with probability 1 − z). Depending on the action of each player, each reaps a material payoff that in turn linearly increases its fecundity. Without loss of generality, we assume that when both play M, they obtain no payoff (see Material and Methods M....