Students from faculty Veterinary Medicine of Cordoba, Spain are offered a huge variety of activities focused on acquiring day-one skills (skills expected of new veterinary graduates). Professors from Animal Physiology, Obstetric and reproduction and Animal Production decided to involve their students in a Journal Club (JC) to motivate them to perform bibliographic searches in different databases, to gather information about current veterinary issues and discuss aspects related to the information found. The aims of this activity were: first, to promote the reading of scientific papers, second to incentive open debates, third, to encourage critical thinking in different areas of knowledge in veterinary science in a relaxed atmosphere for students, and fourth, to try to get students excited about learning. The hypothesis of this research was that the JC could be an adequate blended learning resource to use with the students of these courses in Veterinary Degree. This activity was not intended to improve knowledge of the students but to experience a difference type of learning. It has been concluded that this experience is very interesting to initiate undergraduate students for scientific culture in order to have an easy experience in their.