This study examined the detailed chromosome measurements and karyotype asymmetries of seven taxa in the genus Vicia. The taxa are V. articulata, V. cassubica, V. villosa subsp. villosa in sect. Cracca, V. noeana var. noeana, V. sativa subsp. sativa, V. peregrina in sect. Vicia and V. caesarea in sect. Ervum. V. cassubica, V. noeana var. noeana, V. sativa subsp. sativa, V. caesarea have 2n = 12 chromosomes. V. articulata, V. villosa subsp. villosa, V. peregrina have 2n = 14 chromosomes in somatic cells. Total chromosome lengths range between 2.93-4.99 µm in V. articulata, 2.09-4.73 µm in V. cassubica, 1.86-3.36 µm in V. villosa subsp. villosa, 4.23-6.05 µm in V. noeana var. noeana, 2.07-3.72 µm in V. sativa subsp. sativa, 4.32-7.21 µm in V. peregrina and 2.39-5.78 µm in V. caesarea. The detailed chromosome measurements, relative lengths, centromeric indexes and karyotype asymmetries are also given. V. articulata is the most symmetrical karyotype, while V. villosa subsp. villosa is the most asymmetrical karyotype in intrachromosomal asymmetry including parameters of M CA , AsK, TF, Syi, A1, and A. However, the asymmetrical karyotypes are different in interchromosomal asymmetries. While V. noeana var. noeana is the most symmetrical karyotype in CV CL , Rec, and A2. V. caesarea is the most asymmetrical karyotype in only CV CL and A2. Unlike all parameters, V. cassubica is the most asymmetrical karyotype in Rec value. The scatter diagrams are given between M CA-CV CL and Syi-Rec.