Atriplex nitens Schkuhr plant, which can grow under rainfall conditions without any fertilizer application and can produce high amounts of seeds, have been seen as an alternative feed resource in animal nutrition. However, no previous studies have been found revealing the feed quality content of the seeds with and without bracteole. For this purpose, a 3-replication study was established according to factorial experimental design in randomized blocks in Igdir (Turkey) arid conditions for two years (2021-2022). In the study, crude protein (CP), dry matter (DM), acid detergent fibre (ADF), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), crude ash (RA), dry matter digastiblity (DMD), metabolize enery (ME), dry matter intake (DMI) ve relative feed values (RFV) of seeds with and without bracteole were determined and compared. Additionally, the effect of different row spacings (22.5, 45.0 and 67.5 cm) on the quality of the seeds with and without bracteole was also tested. As a result of the study, all feed quality characteristics examined were found to be important in terms of seed types and it was determined that the desired feed quality values (the highest DMD, DMI, CP, ME, RFV and the lowest ADF, DM, NDF, RA and ADL) were more suitable in seed without bracteole. Only CP, NDF and ADL were found to be important in terms of inter-row spacing, and these values increased with increasing inter-row spacing. These results showed that seeds with and without bracteole can be used as a good alternative roughage and concentrated feed source, respectively.