Trunthung is a a traditional musical accompaniment growing in Magelang region. Traditionally, Trunthung music is played by one person and used as musical acompaniment of Soreng Dance. In its development, Trunthung music evolved into a musical performance based on the idea from Sutanto Mendut and Eko Sunyoto that succeed to create a new art, called Truthung Art.This research aims to know the form of transformations in Trunthung music from musical accompaniment to musical performance. As well as to be able to assess and analyze several transformation factors of Trunthung music from musical accompaniment to musical performance that exist in Warangan vilage, Pakis subdistrict, Magelang regency.The results of this study indicate the transformation of Trunthung music from musical accompaniment to musical performance as seen from six aspects of the performing art such as style, genre, text, composition, transmission, and motion. One significant is the use of Trunthung musical instrument that are colossal or more than one, whereas musical accompaniment only played by one persone. There are factors that affecting this transformation consist of ecternal and internal factor. The role of Eko Sunyoto and some artist in Warangan vilage also important in capturing the Trunthung music so it can be an interesting performance to be enjoyed by art lovers both locally and globally