“…17, Issue 2 (Aug) 2022 19 indicated tabligh elements such as the delivery of accurate information and assertive and ethical behaviour performed by leaders as indicators of such instance. Islamic Organizational Culture (Budiono et al, 2020a) QN √ √ √ (Budiono et al, 2020b) QN √ (Dewantoro et al, 2021) QL √ √ (Elsintania & Archianti, 2016) QN √ (Febriani, 2021) QN √ √ √ (Fitriana, 2020) QL √ (Gismin & Mansyur, 2018) QN √ √ (Hadiyani et al, 2021) QN √ (Mansyur, 2014) QN √ (Nugraha et al, 2021) QN √ (Rahayuningsih, 2016) QN √ √ (Rahman & Hamdi, 2021) QL √ (Septiawati, 2018) QN √ (Setiawan & Aminudin 2020) QL √ (Sidiq & 'Uyun, 2019) QL √ (Widiasih, 2017) QN √ (Zainuri et al, 2021) QN √ QN = Quantitative; QL = Qualitative Meanwhile, there were studies that highlighted the significant influence of prophetic leadership in making effective decisions such as decisions related to financial management and facilities utilisation (Rahman & Hamdi, 2021) and in designing training and development, promotion, and transfer programs as part of the career development programs for the employees (Fitriana, 2020). Accordingly, the values of siddiq, amanah, fathonah, and tabligh guide the leaders in forming a system that is innovative and progressive which in turn enhances the quality of the organisation and the level of professionalism among employees (Setiawan & Aziz, 2020).…”