INFORMACIJE O MENTORU Dr. sc. Danijel Labaš, red. prof., rođen je 1965. godine. Filozofiju i teologiju studirao je u Zagrebu i Rimu (Pontificia Università Gregoriana), iz komunikacijskih znanosti je doktorirao 1996. god. na Università Pontificia Salesiana u Rimu. Za disertaciju na temu "Funkcioniranje načela odgovornosti u etičkom utemeljenju informacije-komunikacije" nagrađen je Rektorovom nagradom. Po povratku u Hrvatsku bio je zaposlen kao zamjenik direktora Informativne katoličke agencije u Zagrebu, urednik informativnog programa Hrvatskoga katoličkog radija te kao novinar i urednik u Glasu Koncila.Stručno se usavršavao na Radiotelevisione Italiana u Rimu i Westdeutscher Rundfunk u Kölnu. Na Hrvatskim studijima stalno zaposlen je od 2007., te je nositelj kolegija: Medijska pedagogija, Mediji u nastavi, Metodika područja društvenih znanosti (komunikologija), Osnove komunikologije, Novinarska etika, Semiotika u masovnom komuniciranju, Film i religija, Povijest i teorija filma, Veliki režiseri europske kinematografije, Mediji i djeca, Mediji i nasilje, Politička komunikacija, Sociološki aspekti masovne komunikacije, Mediji i VIII documents. It is clear that this is a concept and a principle that is not easy to define such as truth, objectivity, honesty and other similar concepts. Therefore, it becomes logical to imply that this concept should not be explicitly mentioned in the contemporary theories of media ethics, which does not exclude that it is not properly valued or promoted as such.
Peace and Dialogue as Basic Principles of Media EthicsThe topic of peace is not only present in church documents and media ethics, but peace and dialogue are viewed as values that the media should promote and put into practice in their work. This frequent highlighting of peace can help media ethics -in theory and practice -to understand better the importance of peace, as well as to encourage media professionals to be unambiguous (explicit) and courageous promoters of peace, that is so much needed by the modern world as a value upon which the coexistence of different people, societies and cultures is based upon.
The Power of Media and Media EthicsBoth, contemporary media ethics and theological media ethics which are presented in church media documents, strongly emphasize "the great power of the media", and there seems to be no significant difference between church documents and media ethics in this, apart from the fact that church documents together with the speech on the power of the media constantly emphasize that this power can be used for both good and bad, and that it all depends on how ethically or unethically those involved in the process will act.
The Issue of Conscience and Media EthicsTheological media ethics, as well as the authors in the field of contemporary thinking about media ethics, especially the authors such as Luka Brajnović and Claude-Jean Bertrand, reflect on the issue of conscience, even though it may, in some ways, appear to be seen as an abstract concept, or, at least, as a concept that should have a re...