In supporting dental examination and treatment tools, especially in regional health facilities, an economical dental unit that has already met dental examination standards is needed. In this study, the authors will design an electric dental chair using a pneumatic as an up and down drive and a linear actuator as a back drive for upright and lying down position using a remote control. As well as dental light as a light source for dental examination or care using the SHARP 2Y0A21 infrared sensor as a switch for four conditions, namely low, medium, high and off. The testing of dental chair was carried out by testing the function of the dental chair remote control for actuator and pneumatic, as well as giving a load to the chair, while for dental light testing, the value of light intensity was measured using a lux meter at a distance of 30 cm. The results of testing showed that remote can function as planned with an accuracy value of 100%, pneumatic can lift loads up to 120 kg with a load resistance error of 5 minutes at a height of 25 cm by 0.1% and at a height of 15 cm by 25%. In the actuator voltage testing, the average value of the voltage when it dropped was 11.80 VDC and when it rose was 11.20 VDC, the lowest error was 0.6% and the highest error was 3.5%. The light intensity testing obtained an average result at low condition of 2032 lux, in medium condition of 8435 lux, and in high condition of 20280. In testing, the SHARP 2Y0A21 sensor function worked well with an accuracy value of 100%. Based on the test results obtained, it can be concluded that this dental unit simulation can function like a dental unit in general with all parameters that can work according to its function.