Tujuan penelitian ini ialah menganalisis efisiensi penggunaan faktor produksi tenaga kerja dan modal pada usahatani kedelai di Kelurahan Pamona Kecamatan Pamona Puselemba Kabupaten Poso dengan indikator berupa elastisitas faktor produksi, skala usaha, dan Nilai Produk Marginal (NPM
Kata kunci : efisiensi, faktor produksi, tenaga kerja, modal, usahatani kedelai
The purpose of this research is to analyze the using efficiency of labor and capital production factors in soybean farming at Pamona Village Pamona Puselemba District Poso Regency with indicators of input elasticity, return to scale, and Marginal Product Value (MPV). Research subjects are 20 soybean farmers which constitutes the number of population element of soybean farmers at Pamona Village. Data is assembled through interviewing research subjects and filling up the questionairres, and then is analyzed with Cobb-Douglas production function analysis, the calculations of return to scale, Marginal Product Value (MPV), and MPV/PFP (Production Factor Price) ratio. Results indicate that labor has negative effect on soybean production (elasticity -1.38956), not efficient or overly abundant ) and needs to be reduced to increase production. On the contrary, capital gives positive effect on soybean production (elasticity 1.00099), has not yet efficient (MPV/PFP ratio 2.772) and should be raised so that production and producers' income could be improved. Soybean farming exists at decreasing return to scale where the increasing of both labor and capital simultaneously causes the lowering of production. Technical guidance and credit support for provisioning cash money are needed by farmers to achieve production efficiency of soybean farming.