The kinetics of the oxidation of graphite, metallurgical coke, and glassy carbon by CO 2 and H 2 O were investigated at temperatures between 1300 ЊC and 1500 ЊC. The experimental technique employed a lance-crucible geometry with continuous gas analysis to measure the reaction rate. The experiments were designed to ensure that the carbon reaction behavior was in the limited mixed regime, where only a small volume of material close to the surface is reacting, and external gas phase mass transfer was fast. The results demonstrated the importance of internal pore structure, particularly as it develops in the reacted layer during the course of the reaction. This was believed to be responsible for the higher rates measured in graphite than in coke and the time-dependent rate increase that was observed in nonporous glassy carbon during experiments. For a commercial grade graphite and metallurgical coke, the rate constants depended strongly upon the carrier gas species, indicating that molecular diffusion was the primary transport mechanism in the pores of these materials. In contrast, for a specially purified graphite, the rate constant was found to be independent of the carrier gas species, which suggested Knudsen diffusion control dominates in this carbon. The results are in good agreement with extrapolations of previous work carried out at lower temperatures.