Espelt MV, de Tezanos Pinto F, Alvarez CL, Alberti GS, Incicco J, Denis MF, Davio C, Schwarzbaum PJ. On the role of ATP release, ectoATPase activity, and extracellular ADP in the regulatory volume decrease of Huh-7 human hepatoma cells. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 304: C1013-C1026, 2013. First published March 13, 2013 doi:10.1152/ajpcell.00254.2012.-Hypotonicity triggered in human hepatoma cells (Huh-7) the release of ATP and cell swelling, followed by volume regulatory decrease (RVD). We analyzed how the interaction between those processes modulates cell volume. Cells exposed to hypotonic medium swelled 1.5 times their basal volume. Swelling was followed by 41% RVD 40 (extent of RVD after 40 min of maximum), whereas the concentration of extracellular ATP (ATP e) increased 10 times to a maximum value at 15 min. Exogenous apyrase (which removes di-and trinucleotides) did not alter RVD, whereas exogenous Na ϩ -K ϩ -ATPase (which converts ATP to ADP in the extracellular medium) enhanced RVD 40 by 2.6 times, suggesting that hypotonic treatment alone produced a basal RVD, whereas extracellular ADP activated RVD to achieve complete volume regulation (i.e., RVD40 Ϸ100%). Under hypotonicity, addition of 2-(methylthio)adenosine 5=-diphosphate (2MetSADP; ADP analog) increased RVD to the same extent as exposure to Na ϩ -K ϩ -ATPase and the same analog did not stimulate RVD when coincubated with MRS2211, a blocker of ADP receptor P2Y 13. RT-PCR and Western blot analysis confirmed the presence of P2Y 13. Cells exhibited significant ectoATPase activity, which according to RT-PCR analysis can be assigned to ENTPDase2. Both carbenoxolone, a blocker of conductive ATP release, and brefeldin A, an inhibitor of exocytosis, were able to partially decrease ATP e accumulation, pointing to the presence of at least two mechanisms for ATP release. Thus, in Huh-7 cells, hypotonic treatment triggered the release of ATP. Conversion of ATP e to ADPe by ENTPDase 2 activity facilitates the accumulated ADP e to activate P2Y13 receptors, which mediate complete RVD.cell volume regulation; human hepatoma; nucleotides; P2Y13 receptor; purinergic signaling IN MOST ANIMAL CELLS, A REDUCTION of extracellular osmolarity or an increase in intracellular osmolarity leads to a net influx of water causing volume increase. Not surprisingly, cells exhibit volume regulatory mechanisms that prevent excessive swelling leading to cell bursting and excessive shrinkage that would compromise proper cell metabolism (24). Cell swelling is followed by a slower recovery towards the preshock level, a process known as regulatory volume decrease (RVD; Refs. 27,38). This response is mediated to a large extent by the efflux of intracellular osmolytes, thereby generating a driving force for water efflux. Swollen cells of liver and hepatoma cells lose Cl Ϫ and K ϩ through electroneutral ion transport pathways or by the separate activation of K ϩ and anion channels (27). Although many intracellular signaling processes of cell volume regulation are now well characterized (29), c...