The effects of structural changes on the rates of hydrolysis of a series of chlorothionoformate esters and the analogous chlorodithioformate esters have been studied. For both classes of compound, the reactivity is enhanced by increased electron donation by the hydrocarbon group. These results, the activation parameters for the hydrolyses of the methyl compounds, and the solvent isotope effect are shown to be consistent with the operation of the SN1 mechanism.Les elTets de modifications structurales sur les vitesses d'hydrolyse d'une serie d'esters chlorothionoformates et d'esters chlorodithioformates analogues, ont ete etudits. Pour les deux classes de composes, la rtactivite est accrue si l'on augmente le pouvoir donneur d'tlectrons du groupe hydrocarbure. Ces resultats concernant les parametres d'activation pour les hydrolyses des composes methylts et I'elTet isotopique du solvant, sont consistants avec l'intervention d'un mecanisme SN1.Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 50, 1401Chemistry, 50, (1972 Introduction Previous studies (1-3) have established that chloroformate esters (1 ; X = Y = 0 ) and chlorothiolformate esters (1 ; X = S, Y = 0 ) hydrolyze much more slowly than other acid chlorides, a feature that is most reasonably attributed to initial state conjugation, 2. This effect is enhanced by structural changes that increase electron donation by the hydrocarbon group (R) (3,4) and is diminished in compounds where the hetero-atom (X) has only a limited tendency to use its unshared electrons for n-bond formation. Thus, chloroformates are much less reactive than their thio analogues (3).