The aim of this research was to adopt Perceived Person-Environment Fit Scale (PPEFS; Chuang, Shen & Judge, 2016) into Turkish. The PPEFS consists of four measures: Person-Job Fit Scale, Person-Organization Fit Scale, Person-Group Fit Scale and Person-Supervisor Fit Scale. The research was conducted with 643 employees from various sectors and professions, and consisted of two different studies. In Study 1 (n= 325) the CFI confirmed the hypothesized factor structure of the Turkish version of the PPEFS (PPEFS-TR). For convergent validity the relationships of the PPEFS-TR’ scales with another fit scale (Cable & DeRue, 2002; PFS), and for divergent validity the relations between the PPEFS-TR and theoretically unrelated constructs (i.e., age and gender) were examined, and as expected, moderate to low level correlations were found. Moreover, the PPEFS-TR has incremental validity above and beyond the PFS on organizational outcomes (i.e., organizational citizenship behavior, job satisfaction and intention to leave). In Study 2 (n= 308), each scales of the PPEFS-TR predicted the theoretically related construct (i.e., work engagement, organizational identification, group fit, and leader-member exchange) significantly. Internal consistency reliability coefficients were found between .77 and .94 in both studies. Additionally, test-retest reliability coefficients were found between .90 and .94 (n= 55).