Background: Spiritual care is one of the important services. The dimensions of spiritual care have not been fully identified clearly. Therefore it is necessary to explore the dimensions of spiritual care. Objective: The aim of this study is to explore spiritual care. Methods: Qualitative research methods were used in order to obtain data through observation techniques, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions (FGD). The research was conducted within several number of hospitals in Central Java, Indonesia. The samples of this research were 57 nurses with given criteria as following: has a minimum education of associate's degree in the nursery and a work experience minimum of 2 years in a hospital. Obtained data were, was analyzed with constant comparative and content analysis. Result: The exploration of spiritual care is depicted by hospital nurses as personal belief towards spirituality that can be experienced through spiritual comfort, which is manifested through routine worships, prayers, and intense presence as spiritual implementations and support. Conclusion: This explorative study concludes that there are dimensions in the spiritual care of hospital nurses: personal belief, spiritual knowledge, spiritual comfort, spiritual implementation, and spiritual support. The implications may be able to bring benefit in its application toward the government, hospitals, nurses, patients, and their families, as well as the society.Latar Belakang: Perawatan spiritual merupakan salah satu layanan penting. Dimensi perawatan spiritual belum sepenuhnya teridentifikasi dengan jelas. Oleh karena itu perlu menggali dimensi perawatan spiritual.. Tujuan Penelitian: Mengeksplorasi dimensi perawatan spiritual. Metode: Penelitian kualitatif dengan pengambilan data menggunakan teknik observasi, indept interview, dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Lokasi penelitian pada beberapa rumah sakit di Jawa Tengah, Indonesia, Sampel penelitian adalah 57 perawat dengan kriteria, yaitu pendidikan D3 Keperawatan dan bekerja minimal dua tahun di rumah sakit. Data yang telah dikumpulkan dianalisis dengan constant comparative dan content analysis. Hasil: Eksplorasi perawatan spiritual digambarkan oleh perawat rumah sakit sebagai keyakinan pribadi terhadap kerohanian yang dapat dialami melalui kenyamanan spiritual, yang dimanifestasikan melalui pemujaan rutin, doa, dan kehadiran yang intens sebagai implementasi dan dukungan spiritual. Kesimpulan: Dimensi-dimensi yang ditemukan antara lain, keyakinan personal (personal belief), pengetahuan spiritual (knowledge of spirituality), kenyamanan (comfort of spirituality), implementasi spiritual (implementation of spirituality), dan dukungan spiritual (support for spirituality). Implikasinya Kurniawati, et al. An exploratory study on...