The Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis and the OV-conjecture are two popular hardness assumptions used to prove a plethora of lower bounds, especially in the realm of polynomialtime algorithms. The OV-conjecture in moderate dimension states there is no ε > 0 for which an O(N 2−ε ) poly(D) time algorithm can decide whether there is a pair of orthogonal vectors in a given set of size N that contains D-dimensional binary vectors.We strengthen the evidence for these hardness assumptions. In particular, we show that if the OV-conjecture fails, then two problems for which we are far from obtaining even tiny improvements over exhaustive search would have surprisingly fast algorithms. If the OV conjecture is false, then there is a fixed ε > 0 such that:
ACM Subject Classification Theory of computation → Problems, reductions and completenessMore Consequences of Falsifying SETH and the Orthogonal Vectors Conjecture decide the satisfiability of bounded-width CNF formulas. SETH is used in the study of exact and fixed parameter tractable algorithms, see e.g [23,46] or the book by Cygan et al. [24]. In this area, it implies, among other things, tight lower bounds for problems on graphs that have small treewidth or pathwidth [41,26,25].Closely related to SETH, the orthogonal vectors problem (OV) is, given two sets A and B of N vectors from {0, 1} D , to decide whether there are vectors a ∈ A and b ∈ B such that a and b are orthogonal in Z D . If D ≤ O(N 0.3 ) holds, the problem can be solved in timeÕ(N 2 ) using an algorithm based on fast rectangular matrix multiplication (see e.g. [31]). SETH implies [54] that this algorithm is essentially as fast as possible; in particular, SETH implies the following hardness conjecture, which was given its name by Gao et al. [32].Conjecture 1.1 (Moderate-dimension OV Conjecture). There are no reals ε, δ > 0 such that OV for D = N δ can be solved 1 in time O(N 2−ε ).The moderate-dimension OV conjecture is used to study the fine-grained complexity of problems in P, for which it has remarkably strong and diverse implications. If the conjecture is true, then dozens of important problems from all across computer science exhibit running time lower bounds that match existing upper bounds up to subpolynomial factors. These include pattern matching and other problems in bioinformatics [7, 10, 40, 1], graph algorithms [47,6,32], computational geometry [16], formal languages [11,18], time-series analysis [2,19], and even economics [42] (see [58] for a more comprehensive list).Gao et al.[32] also named the low-dimension OV conjecture, which asserts that OV does not have subquadratic algorithms whenever D = ω(log N ) holds. The low-dimension implies the moderate-dimension variant of the OV conjecture, and both are implied by SETH [54]. Recent results on the hardness of approximation problems, such as Maximum Inner Product [5], rely on the stronger conjecture (perhaps also [12,14]). However, for the vast majority of OV-based hardness results, reducing the dimension only affects lower-order terms in the lo...