We are losing love. By studying porn movies to understand love, I discovered that love originally comes from the body, from positive emotions and vibrations of the wonderful body, from the heart and all other parts of the body, such as sexual organs. António Damásio made Descartes’ error by postulating that feelings increase their power from homeostasis (mechanisms of life regu-lation from bacteria to humans). He made this mistake unconsciously because many people un-consciously have a very bad opinion of sexual organs. We consider them ugly because they come from the prehistoric period. I have combined António and Hanna Damásio’s work (body emotions, thinking and language). I discovered that porn actors do not talk during sex, and this is striking. Porn actors mirror what happens in society. This means that people come from prehistory, do not talk during sex, and still unconsciously behave like primitive animals during sexual intercourse; we do not respect the body sufficiently during sex. Therefore, love, which comes from the body, is smothered and buried. We must very delicately talk to the wonderful, delicious and respectful body to wake up love feelings, body emotions and vibrations during sex. We must invent talking movies with porn films. Language of positive emotions associated with the language of wonderful and delicious body will warm love feelings and will give envy to love through sexual intercourse because António Damásio discovered that emotions are social.