Let T and T' be tournaments with n elements, E a basis for T , E' a basis for T', and k 2 3 an integer. The dual of T is the tournament T' of basis E defined byThe set of hemimorphisms of T onto itself has group structure, this group is called the group of hemimorphisms of T . In this work, we study the restrictions to n -2 elements of a tournament with n elements. In particular, we prove: Let k ? 3 be an integer, T a tournament with TI elements, where n 2 k + 5. Then the following statements are equivalent: (i) All restrictions of T to subsets with n -2 elements are k-hemimorphic. (ii) All restrictions of T to subsets with n -2 elements are 3-hemimorphic. (iii) All restrictions of T to subsets with n -2 elements are hemimorphic. (iv) All restrictions of T to subsets with TI -2 elements are isomorphic. (v) Either T is a strict total order, or the group of hemimorphisms of T is 2-homogeneous.Mathematics Subject Classification: 03C60, 04A05, 06A05.