Dysprosian xenotime-(Y) was found in the Annie Claim #3 pod of lepidolite-subtype granitic pegmatite within the Greer Lake intrusion of pegmatitic granite, in the Archean Bird River Subprovince of the Superior Province, in southeastern Manitoba. It occurs as microscopic inclusions in spessartine and as discrete crystals, both enclosed in ferroan muscovite, also associated with manganocolumbite -manganotantalite, microlite, zircon and apatite. The xenotime-(Y) contains up to 14.88 wt.% Dy 2 O 3 (and 7.59 wt.% Gd 2 O 3 , 3.31 wt.% Tb 2 O 3 ), the highest concentration of Dy so far observed in this mineral. In chondrite-normalized REE patterns, the positive Tb anomaly is even higher than that of Dy. Along with xenotime-(Y) and xenotime-(Yb) from other granitic pegmatites, altered granites and alpine veins, the Annie Claim #3 xenotime-(Y) shows prominent double segmenting of the Gd to Lu sequence, ascribed by some authors to the tetrad effect in geological materials generated from, or affected, by aqueous media. Analytical problems could not produce this effect in the xenotime samples.