Charge-injection devices (CIDs) are solid-state 2D imaging sensors similar to CCDs, but their distinct architecture makes CIDs more resistant to ionizing radiation.1-3 CID cameras have been used extensively for X-ray imaging at the OMEGA Laser Facility 4,5 with neutron fluences at the sensor approaching 10 9 n/cm 2 (DT, 14 MeV). A CID Camera Xray Imager (CCXI) system has been designed and implemented at NIF that can be used as a rad-hard electronic-readout alternative for time-integrated X-ray imaging. This paper describes the design and implementation of the system, calibration of the sensor for X-rays in the 3 -14 keV energy range, and preliminary data acquired on NIF shots over a range of neutron yields. The upper limit of neutron fluence at which CCXI can acquire useable images is ~ 10 8 n/cm 2 and there are noise problems that need further improvement, but the sensor has proven to be very robust in surviving high yield shots (~ 10 14 DT neutrons) with minimal damage.