We derive a Moyal dynamical equation that describes exact time evolution in generic (inhomogeneous) noninteracting spin-chain models. Assuming quasistationarity, we develop a hydrodynamic theory. The question at hand is whether some large-time corrections are captured by higher-order hydrodynamics. We consider in particular the dynamics after that two chains, prepared in different conditions, are joined together. In these situations a light cone, separating regions with macroscopically different properties, emerges from the junction. In free fermionic systems some observables close to the light cone follow a universal behavior, known as Tracy-Widom scaling. Universality means weak dependence on the system's details, so this is the perfect setting where hydrodynamics could emerge. For the transverse-field Ising chain and the XX model, we show that hydrodynamics captures the scaling behavior close to the light cone. On the other hand, our numerical analysis suggests that hydrodynamics fails in more general models, whenever a condition is not satisfied.Over the past few years, we are experiencing an increasing interest in the physics behind the nonequilibrium time evolution of inhomogeneous states. An example is the time evolution of two semi-infinite chains that are joined together after having been prepared in different equilibrium conditions [1,2]. This kind of settings allows one to investigate the transport properties of quantum many-body systems even if the system is isolated from the environment.The first analytic results in this context were obtained in noninteracting models . There, under the assumption of quasistationarity, a semiclassical picture applies where the information about the initial state is carried by free stable quasiparticles moving throughout the system. Similar results were obtained in the framework of conformal field theory and Luttinger liquid descriptions [25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37]. In the presence of interactions the situation was less clear [38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47], but, eventually, Refs [48,49] have shown that the continuity equations satisfied by the (quasi)local conserved quantities are sufficient to characterize the late-time behavior. The framework developed in Refs [48,49] is now known as generalized hydrodynamics [48], where "generalized" is used to emphasize that integrable models have infinitely many (quasi)local charges [50]. We will generally omit "generalized" and refer to the system of equations derived in [48,49] as first-order hydrodynamics, 1 st GHD, to emphasize that it is a system of first-order partial differential equations.Within 1 st GHD, it was possible to compute the profiles of local observables [48,49,[51][52][53][54][55][56][57], to conjecture an expression for the time evolution of the entanglement entropy [58], and to efficiently calculate Drude weights [59][60][61][62][63]. There are however fundamental questions that can not be addressed within 1 st GHD; diffusive transport [64][65][66][67][68][69] and large-tim...