A low-Reynolds-number zero-pressure-gradient incompressible turbulent boundary layer was investigated using a volumetric imaging technique. The Reynolds number based on momentum thickness was 700. The flow was tagged with a passive scalar from two spanwise dye slots to distinguish between fluid motions originating in the inner and outer portions of the boundary layer. The resulting volumetric scalar field was interrogated using a laser sheet scanner developed for this study. Twoand three-dimensional time-dependent visualizations of a 50 volume time series are presented (equivalent to 17δ in length). In the outer portion of the boundary layer, scalar structures were observed to lie along lines in the (x, z)-plane, inclined to the streamwise (x-)direction in the range ±50 • . The ejection of brightly dyed fluid packets from the near-wall region was observed to be spatially organized, and related to the passage of the large-scale scalar structures.
IntroductionHere, we present the short-term dynamics of a low-Reynolds-number turbulent boundary layer using three-dimensional visualizations of the scalar field. The interpretations are based on inspection of individual events in a data set comprising a 50 volume time series, equivalent to 17δ in length.It is a well-established observation that a turbulent boundary layer displays structure, in that 'coherent motions' or 'organized motions' are recognized to be an important component of the velocity and pressure fields. Such coherent structures were described by Robinson (1991) as 'a three-dimensional region of the flow over which at least one fundamental flow variable (velocity component, density, temperature, etc.) exhibits significant correlation with itself or with another flow variable over a range of space and/or time that is significantly larger than the smallest local scales of the flow.' Different features appear in the near-wall and outer-layer regions, and we have a broad understanding of their general features. In contrast, the fundamental nature of the motions, their distinguishing characteristics, and the nature of their interactions, are not at all settled. According to an early review by Cantwell (1981), the structure