The aim of current research was to establish the relationship between the stress state of the ribbed-ring dome framework and the degree of its bracing. It was assumed that the meridional ribs and rings of the dome framework are made of metal. The framework of the dome consists of 24 ribs and 7 rings. The study was performed for a ribbed-ring dome of spherical shape with a span of 39.3 m and a height of 11.0 m on computer models. The initial computer model of the framework of a ribbed-ring dome made of steel I-beams without bracing has been developed. On the basis of the initial model, additional models were developed for the frameworks with bracing between meridional edges in four, eight cyclically symmetric sectors and in all sectors. Both for the initial model and for all models of the dome framework with bracing, computer calculations were performed for the effect of the load from the own weight of the load-bearing and enclosing structures, and two variants of the snow load. During the calculations, deformations, internal forces and stresses in the meridional ribs, upper and intermediate rings of different models were determined, which were compared with each other. Graphs of changes in deformations of the frame, graphs and diagrams of changes in internal forces and stresses in the meridional ribs, in the upper and intermediate rings of the dome, depending on the degree of bracing in the framework, are obtained. An assessment of the influence of bracing on the stress state of the rib-ring dome frame is performed. The peculiarities of the influence of different coupling schemes on the stressed state of the dome frame are noted.