This paper presents a study of selective ablation of thin organic films (LEP-Light Emitting Polymer, PEDOT:PSS-Poly 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene: polystyrene sulfonate) by using 248 nm Excimer laser, on various kinds of multilayered SiN barrier foils for the development of Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLED). Different Silicon Nitride (SiN) barrier foils with dedicated absorption spectra are taken into account for this purpose. The drive for looking into different types of SiN originates from the fact that the laser selective removal of a polymer without damage to the barrier layer underneath is challenging in the dynamic laser processing of thin films. The barrier is solely responsible for the proper encapsulation of the OLED stack. The main limitation of current OLED design is its shorter life span, which is directly related to the moisture or water permeation into the stack, leading to black spots. An optimization of laser parameters like fluence and number of shots has been carried out for the various types of SiN barrier foils. We are able to obtain a wider working process window for the selective removal of LEP and PEDOT:PSS from SiN barrier, by variation of the different types of SiN