S Cyclophosphamide
Late-onset anaphylactic reactions: case reportsA 46-year-old woman experienced late-onset anaphylactic reactions after receiving cyclophosphamide.In December 2004, the woman presented with diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis/systemic lupus erythematosus overlap syndrome. In April 2010, she was scheduled for monthly IV cyclophosphamide therapy. A test dose of 350 mg/m 2 was planed for the first month followed by monthly dose of 500 mg/m 2 . Four days after the second dose, she felt feverish and developed dyspnoea and mild wheezing. She then experienced generalised macular erythema, pruritus and muscle pain. Her symptoms subsided spontaneously in 24 hours, but recurred after subsequent pulses. Three hours after the fifth dose, her condition deteriorated with marked tachycardia, hypotension, respiratory distress and diffuse maculopapular rush, suggesting pre-shock state. Her blood systolic pressure decreased, and her pulse rate increased.