Doping FePt nanoparticles could be a possible approach to achieve high L1 0 order and magnetic anisotropy. To address stability, first-principles studies of surface segregation of dilute Ag/Au/Cu solutes at and near the ͑001͒/͑100͒/͑111͒ surfaces of FePt-L1 0 are performed. It is found that a strong surface segregation tendency at first outer layer is present in all the cases. For Cu, segregation is less than half of Ag and Au. Ag and Cu segregate to Fe sites at surfaces and preferentially substitute for Fe in the bulk, whereas Au substitutes for Fe at surfaces and for Fe and Pt in the bulk. © 2010 American Institute of Physics. ͓doi:10.1063/1.3522652͔In the past decade, FePt nanoparticles have been extensively investigated in view of possible future applications as an ultrahigh-density information-storage medium and highperformance permanent magnets. [1][2][3][4][5][6] The critical issue for information-storage application is the presence of magnetic anisotropy offering sufficiently large thermal stability. In FePt, a high magnetic anisotropy is guaranteed by an ordered L1 0 phase. However, experimental observations 4-6 have shown a difficulty in obtaining a high degree of L1 0 order in FePt nanoparticles annealed at T Շ 600°C with diameter less than ϳ4 nm. The phenomenon has been explained with size, kinetic, and surface segregation effects. [7][8][9][10][11][12][13] One of the possible approaches to achieve high L1 0 order and a correspondingly high magnetic anisotropy is by doping FePt nanoparticles with a third element. 1,3 Atomic species such as Ag, [14][15][16][17][18][19][20] Au,17,[19][20][21][22][23][24][25] and Cu 25-27 have been previously tested. To follow this approach, it is imperative to determine whether dopants concentrate inside the particle cores or segregate at the surfaces. In the latter case, the additional surface vacancies generated by the atoms rearranging on the surface during segregation upon annealing might increase Fe and Pt mobilities and help the particles to reach their L1 0 equilibrium. 16,21,27 Moreover, modeling and explaining surface segregation phenomena are important to understand catalysis, oxidation, and corrosion in nanostructured systems with high surface to volume ratio.In this letter, we study the segregation of dilute Ag, Au, and Cu solutes on and near the ͑001͒, ͑100͒, and ͑111͒ surfaces of FePt crystals with perfect L1 0 order ͑directions are defined with respect to Ref. 9͒. The results can also be used to draw conclusions regarding surface segregation in FePt nanocrystals with ͑001͒ and ͑111͒ facets such as cubes, tetrahedrons, octahedrons, cubeoctahedrons, truncated cubes, and the truncated octahedrons experimentally observed. [28][29][30] We consider ͑001͒, ͑100͒, and ͑111͒ slabs with perfect L1 0 order. For the ͑100͒ and ͑111͒ cases we choose the systems to have eight layers, while for the ͑001͒ slabs we consider nine layers ͑see Fig. 1 of Ref. 9͒. The vacuum thickness between the periodic replica of the slabs is fixed at ϳ12 Å. One substitutional impurity of ...