After European Union expansion in the 2000s, Danish farmers went eastward in search of cheap land. In Latvia, they encountered indebted farmers and impoverished rural residents who readily sold their land, while at the same time harbouring resentment towards 'the Dane' for undermining Latvia's sovereignty. In the view of significant segments of the Latvian public, ownership of land and territorial rule were intricately linked. In the view of 'the Dane' and the European Union, refusal to separate ownership from ruleor property from sovereigntywas a mark of 'notyet-mature' liberal democratic subjects. While European Union institutions monitored and disciplined the Latvian state's attempts to juridically restrict foreign land ownership, the Latvian state sought to use financial instruments to limit land sales to foreigners. Drawing on ethnographic analysis of the tensions surrounding the Danish presence in the Latvian countryside and on historical analysis of the shifting regimes of ownership and rule since the beginning of the twentieth century, this article traces the emergence of 'good enough sovereignty' as a form of political practice aimed at ensuring continued existence of the Latvian state and Latvian farmers.
KEYWORDSSovereignty; capitalism; land; postsocialism; danish farmers 'You need to talk to Roberts', said Inta, the head of a municipality in Latgale, the eastern part of Latvia close to the border with Russia, when I asked her about the tensions surrounding the arrival of Danish farmers to the countryside that was otherwise losing residents en masse (Dzenovska 2011(Dzenovska , 2020(Dzenovska , 2018a. Roberts was employed by 'the Dane', as Inta put it, and thus should be able to tell me more about how 'the Dane' worked and lived. When I met with Roberts on a late summer afternoon in 2011 by 'the Dane's' machine shop, he told me about Regina. Regina was over 80. She owned a farmhouse with some land, but was living in an apartment in the nearby town centre. Recently, Regina had sold the farmhouse and the surrounding land to 'the Dane' on condition that he wouldn't take down the house to make more room for cultivation while she was still alive. One day, 'the Dane' had called Roberts, saying that he had seen Regina's grave in the cemetery. 'I told him that it wasn't possible', Roberts explained, 'I knew