“…The work in Italy and Australia continued between these groups dunng the 80's (Oram et at., 1981;Duranti et al, 198 U 984, 1988Duranti et al, 198 U 984, , 1990Restani et aI., 1981;Casero el al., 1983: Cerlctti el al., 1983: Lilley, 1986a, 1986b, 1986c: Lilley and Inglis, 1986; and has continued in Italy since that time (Duranti et al, 1991(Duranti et al, . 1992(Duranti et al, , 1994(Duranti et al, , 1995(Duranti et al, , 1996. A major interest in the biosynthesis and cDNNgene structure of the lupin proteins also emerged in Australia with reports by Gayler and others members of his group (Gayler etal., 1984(Gayler etal., ,1989(Gayler etal., ,1990Johnson eta!., 1985;Kolivas and Gayler, 1993;Ilgoutz and Gayler, 1995;Ilgoutz et al, 1997).…”