The experimental research carried out in the 2021-2022 academic year aimed at the fruition of children's personal development opportunities in terms of open psycho-social and affective development at the age of 9 -10, through a global project of psycho-motor activities, carried out in the School after School program, with a frequency of 3 hours/week. The didactic strategy used in the experimental group focused on dynamic games and sports games with a specific subject, physical skills track and group activities that favor mental, socio-affective development and cultivate proactive social behavior. All the methods and means used in the experimental group aimed to increase the level of distributive attention, group cohesion, self-confidence, involvement in various didactic activities as well as in the family, and the promotion of fair play. At the beginning of the research, for all the evaluation tests/samples used, the two groups, experiment (24 subjects) and control (12 subjects), recorded significantly equal values and it was found that no significant differences were manifested between them. At the end of the research, after 5 months of implementation of the program proposed by us in the School after School system, for the experimental group, the results of the Prague test showed us an increase in the attention capacity of the subjects of the experimental group compared to those of the control group. The results of the other assessment tools, the Psychosocial Behavior test and the Adapted Social and Behavioral Skills Questionnaire, show significant differences between the two groups for p < 0.05. Due to the additional hours of psycho-motor activities, the behavior of the subjects of the experimental group changed, they became more cooperative and communicative with each other.