Gamma and conversion electron radiations following the decay of 1.7 s 123mC~ and 5.9 min lZsCs have been studied in singles and coincidence with mass-separated sources at the ISOLDE facility. Evidence for a 61.7 keV E3 transition, de-exciting the yisomeric state of I2ks, has been found. A scheme for the 123Cs ground-state decay including 11 new low-spin levels has been constructed. Log ff values have been calculated; limits on possible spins are deduced which invalidate in particular the previous J = { assignment for the 180.6 keV level in '"Xe. The results are discussed in the frame of odd-mass neutrondeficient Cs and Xe systematics. RADIOACTIVITY 123mC~, 123Cs (from La(p, 3p14n)), E,= 600 MeV, on-line massseparated sources; measured T1/2, E,, I,, E,, I,, yy coin, y ce coin; L23Cs, L23Xe; deduced levels, J , n, log fl. Ge(Li), Si(Li) and plastic detectors.