■ ABSTRACT: The topic of this work is part of a line of research known as Lexicon and Terminology, developed at the Center of Terminological and Lexical Studies (LexTerm Center), at the University of Brasília. The object of study is an analogical dictionary, understood as a lexicographic repertoire, onomasiological in nature, in which lexemes are organized from ideas or concepts to lexical units. The main objective of this research is to present a proposal for a Portuguese Informatized Analogical Dictionary (DIALP, following the Portuguese spelling).The main target audience of the dictionary is the learner of BrazilianPortuguese as a Second Language (PBSL). The selection of lexemes to compose the entries is guided by Kleiber's (1990) Extended Version of Prototype Theory, Fillmore's (1977a,b) Semantic of Frames, as well as by the reformulation of entries from Azevedo's (2010) analogical Dictionary of the Portuguese language. In order to elaborate the model for the proposed dictionary, we have adopted the methodological principles for the elaboration of lexicons, dictionaries and glossaries, as postulated by Faulstich (2001), and we also applied Vilarinho's (2013) proposal. This research contributes to promote Brazil's technological development, since no previous work has appropriately reached the goals set by the present study.