Several Drosophila homeo box genes have been shown to control cell fates in specific positions or cell groups of the embryo. Because the mechanisms involved in the pattern formation of complex internal organs, such as the musculature and the nervous system, are still largely unknown, we sought to identify and analyze new homeo box genes specifically expressed in these tissues. Here, the molecular analysis and expression pattern of one such gene, containing both a homeo box and a PRD repeat, is described. This gene, designated S59, is expressed in a small number of segmentally repeated mesodermal cells ~2 hr postgastrulation. Gradually, four groups of S59-expressing mesodermal cells appear in each abdominal hemisegment, each one giving rise to a particular somatic muscle after fusion with surrounding myoblasts. Thus, individual precursors for particular muscles, which we call "founder cells," are specified relatively early during mesodermal development. The expression of a particular homeo box gene in these cells suggests that distinct programs of gene expression are active in subsets of mesodermal cells after germ band elongation, resulting in a specification of their developmental fates. In addition to the mesoderm, S59 is expressed in a subset of neuronal cells of the CNS and their precursors and also in cells of a small region of the midgut.[Key Words: Drosophila-, homeo box; muscle development; mesodermal and neuronal genes; midgut]