Motivated by quantification of micro-hydrodynamics of a thin liquid film which is present in industrial processes, such as spray cooling, heating (e.g., boiling with the macrolayer and the microlayer), coating, cleaning, and lubrication, we use micro-conductive probes and confocal optical sensors to measure the thickness and dynamic characteristics of a liquid film on a silicon wafer surface with or without heating. The simultaneous measurement on the same liquid film shows that the two techniques are in a good agreement with respect to accuracy, but the optical sensors have a much higher acquisition rate up to 30 kHz which is more suitable for rapid process. The optical sensors are therefore used to measure the instantaneous film thickness in an isothermal flow over a silicon wafer, obtaining the film thickness profile and the interfacial wave. The dynamic thickness of an evaporating film on a horizontal silicon wafer surface is also recorded by the optical sensor for the first time. The results indicate that the critical thickness initiating film instability on the silicon wafer is around 84 lm at heat flux of *56 kW/m 2 . In general, the tests performed show that the confocal optical sensor is capable of measuring liquid film dynamics at various conditions, while the micro-conductive probe can be used to calibrate the optical sensor by simultaneous measurement of a film under quasi-steady state. The microexperimental methods provide the solid platform for further investigation of the liquid film dynamics affected by physicochemical properties of the liquid and surfaces as well as thermal-hydraulic conditions.