D e p a r t me nt o f M i c r o -a nd N a no s c i e nc e sT h e o re t ic al st udie s o f o pt ic al t ransit io ns in se mic o nduc t o r quant um st ruc t ure s
O s mo V äns k ä D O C T O R A L D I S S E R T A T I O N SAalto University publication series DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS 214/2014 Theoretical studies of optical transitions in semiconductor quantum structures
Osmo VänskäA doctoral dissertation completed for the degree of Doctor of Science (Philosophy) to be defended, with the permission of the Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering, at a public examination held at the lecture hall TU1 of the TUAS building (Otaniementie 17, Espoo, Finland) on the 9th of January 2015 at 12 noon. Abstract Nanotechnologically fabricated structures out of compound semiconductor materials make up the functional parts in LEDs, in semiconductor lasers and in electronics components. The small size of the structures evidently leads to requiring the modeling to look at phenomena at the quantum level. Especially for optoelectronical devices, one needs to treat the interaction between light and semiconductor material. This research adds to the understanding of interpretations of light-matter interaction phenomena and makes it possible to find totally new and undiscovered functionalities in semiconductor nanostructures.
AaltoThis thesis presents work on modeling and creates new theoretical foundations for phenomena appearing in semiconductor quantum structures. Of special interest has been to generate a theoretical description to such phenomena that have been caused by an optical field and in which one sees changes, e.g., in angular momentum or spatial distribution of excited states. Basically, two kinds of structures are examined, quantum rings and wells. A quantum ring is a toroidal object of which volume is very small, but its diameter can be significant when compared to the wavelength of light. Another class of systems under study is a double quantum well structure, where there are two quantum wells on both sides of a tunnel barrier. In this system, the type-I and type-II semiconductor band-structure properties become combined in spatial coordinates, since the electrons and holes can occupy either the same or the separate quantum wells.The two most interesting results are the angle-of-emission dependent photoluminescence from the quantum rings and the coherent control of vertical transport of desired quasiparticles through material interfaces in the quantum-well system in a selective manner. Since the obtained results on quantum rings are closely connected to the orbital-angular-momentum coupling between light and matter, they can prove to be important in different quantum information schemes where this angular-momentum aspect of light has been found to be highly beneficial. In quantum optics, there already are visible trends towards this direction. The predicted coherent control in a double-quantum-well system may mean a large technological progress, since by utilizing this effect one can study transport properties ...