The molecular mobility of polyimide (PI) brushes, i.e., graft-copolymers with a polyimide backbone and PMMA side chains of different lengths, is studied by the dielectric spectroscopy method. Three dipolar polarization regions are found in the temperature range from -150 to 200 • C: β-, β 1 , and α-processes. The β-process is due to a local mobility of polar groups of the PI backbone in the glassy state. Ester groups of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) side chains are responsible for two forms of the molecular mobility: a local mobility in the glassy state (β 1 -process) and a cooperative segmental motion of the skeletons of the PMMA side chains (α-process). The parameters of the β-and β 1 -processes are weakly dependent on the side chain's length. For the α-process, the molecular mobility of the PMMA side chains decreases with increasing their length.