We argue that the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) images of resonant states generated by doping Zn or Ni impurities into Cu-O planes of BSCCO are the result of quantum interference of the impurity signal coming from several distinct paths. The impurity image seen on the surface is greatly affected by interlayer tunneling matrix elements. We find that the optimal tunneling path between the STM tip and the metal (Cu, Zn, or Ni) Although it appears that on a gross scale these findings can be understood in terms of a conventional d-wave superconductor perturbed by potential scattering, upon closer inspection problems of principle seem to arise. The impurity states observed by STM are characterized by two main features: (1) energy and width of the impurity-induced resonance in the density of states (DOS), and (2) the spatial structure of the resonance. While the DOS seems to be satisfactorily described by a single-site impurity model [3], the real space distribution of intensity cannot be fit by this model. The main problem with the Zn impurity image seen in the STM experiments is that the intensity of the signal on the impurity site is very bright, which is at odds with the unitary scattering off Zn. We remind the reader that Zn 21 has a closed d shell and hence, exactly on the impurity site the scattering potential is very strong. Unitary scattering is equivalent to the hard wall condition for the conduction states and therefore no or very little intensity of electron states is expected on the Zn site. A similar problem arises also with explaining the Ni-induced resonance.Here we demonstrate that these problems find a natural resolution in terms of the specific way in which the local density of states of the cuprate planes is probed in the STM experiments. We argue that the quantum-mechanical nature of the tunneling from the STM tip into the Cu-O layer that hosts impurity requires tunneling through the uppermost insulating Bi-O layer which effectively filters the signal. Surprisingly, similar filtering should also take place even in the case of "direct" tunneling into Cu-O plane. Such nonlocal tunneling has profound consequences for the real space image of the impurity state seen by STM.There are two major types of tunneling routes between the STM tip and the conducting orbitals in the Cu-O plane: