The morphological structure of the postcentral sulcus and its variability were investigated in 40 structural magnetic resonance images of the human brain registered to the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) proportional stereotaxic space. This analysis showed that the postcentral sulcus is not a single sulcus, but rather a complex of sulcal segments separated by gyri which merge its banks at distinct locations. Most of these gyri are submerged deep within the sulcus and can be observed only by examining the depth of the sulcus, although a small proportion may be observed from the surface of the brain. In the majority of the examined cerebral hemispheres (73.75%), the postcentral sulcus is separated into two or three segments, and less frequently into four or five segments (12.5%) or remains continuous (13.75 %). Examination of the in-depth relationship between the postcentral sulcus and the intraparietal sulcus revealed that these two sulci may appear to join on the surface of the brain, but they are in fact always separated by a gyrus in the cortical depth. In 32.5% of the examined hemispheres, a dorso-ventrally oriented sulcus, the transverse postcentral sulcus, is located anterior to the postcentral sulcus on the lower part of the postcentral gyrus. Systematic examination of the morphology of the postcentral sulcus in the proportional stereotaxic space which is used in functional neuroimaging studies is the first step towards the establishment of anatomical-functional correlations in the anterior parietal lobe.
IntroductionThe postcentral gyrus, which forms the anterior part of the parietal lobe, is delimited by the central sulcus, anteriorly, and the postcentral sulcus, posteriorly (Figure 1). Pioneer studies using electrical stimulation during brain surgery established that, as in nonhuman primates, the postcentral gyrus of the human brain is the somatosensory cortex and that there is an orderly arrangement of sensory representations of the different parts of the body along its dorsoventral extent (Penfield and Rasmussen, 1952;Woolsey et al., 1979). More recently, the organization of the somatosensory cortex along the postcentral gyrus of the human brain has been examined and confirmed with functional neuroimaging (Nakamura et al., 1998;Boling et al., 1999Boling et al., , 2002Fabri et al., 2005). The postcentral sulcus, which separates the postcentral gyrus from the posterior parietal cortex, is traditionally described as a prominent sulcus extending from the superior aspect of the hemisphere to the lateral fissure (e.g. Ono et al., 1990;Duvernoy et al., 1991). It is sometimes illustrated as a single continuous sulcus (e.g. Smith, 1907;Economo and Koskinas, 1925) or divided into two or three segments which are superior and inferior to each other (e.g. Eberstaller, 1890;Retzius, 1896;Brodmann, 1909;Sarkissov et al., 1955;Ono et al., 1990). The dorsal end of the postcentral sulcus is often depicted as a V-shaped structure consisting of two branches coming together at one point (Brodmann, 1909;Economo and...