SummaryIn this article, an injection‐locked frequency divider (ILFD) is presented. By assuming the maximum phase of the tank current, we obtain a relation for the lock range. Besides, the effects of parasitic capacitors on the lock range have been probed. The analysis shows that the greater the phase difference between the tail current and injected signal, the phase of the tank current increases and, consequently, the lock range also increases. The accomplished simulations confirm the correct performance of the proposed design and the extracted relationships. The simulations have been CMOS technology and with a 0.9‐V supply voltage. The results show that the current consumption equals 3.7 mA and the power consumption equals 3.33 mW. The proposed ILFD lock range with phase shift technique with power input signal 0 dBm is equal to 5.1 GHz (3.6–8.7 GHz), and the relative percentage of the lock range is also 83%.