As so ci ate Ed i tor: Tomis³aw Go³êbiowski Re search by the Pol ish Geo log i cal Sur vey has been car ried out along the south ern Bal tic coastal zone over a dis tance of 38 km. The Bal tic Sea is clas si fied as non-tidal, and its south ern coasts are built en tirely of weakly lithified sed i men tary rocks. These de pos its form three main types of coast, namely cliffs, bar ri ers and al lu vial coasts (wetlands), with the re search fo cusing on the first two. Meth ods in clud ing re mote sens ing, map ping (geo log i cal, hydrogeological), off shore sur vey (bathymetric and geo phys i cal mea sure ments), lab o ra tory anal y ses and mod el ling re vealed a num ber of nat u ral haz ards. These are, respec tively: (1) per ma nently oc cur ring haz ards, caus ing ma te rial dam age such as: land slides, coastal ero sion and sea bed ero sion; (2) in ci den tal haz ards such as dune break age and storm surge over flow and (3) hy po thet i cal threats that may oc cur in the fu ture, such as hydrogeohazards de fined here as flood ing re sult ing from ground wa ter level rise or more rarely, earthquake threats.