In this study, the oil degradation measuring for integrated sensor of drain valve was fabricated. A sensor used in the experiments was integrated with drain valves and installed in oil pan without requiring additional space. As a result of the experiments, the capacitances changed with two inflection points in accordance with an after in mileage. The first inflection point indicated the exhaustion of oil additives, and after the second inflection point, the oil degradation was completed, which increased the viscosity and disabled the functions of oil. Thus, this section was determined as the time of oil exchange. Á𪋫Ÿÿ-˜AEı°OE¿oe« "Ò°ı°oeÌ, ´-∞-¿oe«≥ºOEOE-Ê ¶˚∂Ò°°fl«Óðfl˝oe¬Û ¿oe ≥AEOE ØÊ¿∞ AE ¶°ˆ" ∏OE §AE-£¯¿oe ≥º√°« oeÕμªß-¨∏« ‰∫ÃıΫÌ÷Ÿ. ÃÌAE°≠¬ÂπOEÎÍoeº¸ae≠ ¶ ¶¤oe©⁄ø˜÷ ‡ ≈AE« ı°OE¯ ‡«¬ ¿oe« ≠≠¯ §oe©¿oe ≥º√‚ ¶ · §oe‚ß-¨∏ ¶ˆ ‡oe¥Ÿ. ae≠¬¸ÎÂπOEÎÍÕoeº∏ OE ¶¤«Ó ≥°°ÌAEoeÌ ∞μ« ≥°¯£ª ‰∏oeˆ ¬ Received : Aug. 7, 2012, Revised : Nov. 5, 2012, Accepted : Nov. 7, 2012 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License( permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.