This contribution presents a number of aspects relevant for interconnects and packaging of monolithic integrated circuits, possibly combined with hybrid or even waveguide circuits in the millimeter-wave range. Examples of different iinterconnects and two realized front-ends are demonstrated.
L INTRODUCTIONIn recent years, great efforts have been undertaken to develop mm-wave monolitluc integrated circuits (MIMICS) which now are being introduced into radar [l], [8] and communication equipment [2]. Especially for low cost civil systems, however, there is still a lack of suitable and affordable techniques for interconnects and packaging of MIMICS, possibly together with hybrid integrated circuits or even waveguide. Packaging of micro-and mm-wave MICs, MMICs, components or subsystems has to provide protection against mechanical !;tress, environmental loads like moisture and chemicals, and, in some cases, against electromagnetic interferences (Em). In addition, the complete assembly must operate in a wide temperature range, and it must allow the removal of heat generated in its interior [3] - [7]. Equally, packaging includes interconnects between different circuits (possibly between different types of transfnission lines, too), feed-through elements into and out of the package, choice of materials, or front-end architecture. With increasing mass applicatioris like phased arrays [4], [SI or &HIC applications [ 11, packages have to be fabricated and assembled easily and quickly based on reliable processes at reasonable cost. All these problems are increasingly relevant for applications at mm-wave frequencies. Therefore, this contribution will address topics like front-end architecture for mm-wave circuits based on different transmission line media, package materials, circuit interconnects, feed-through elements, and two approaches, for front-end packaging.
PACKAGING AND FRONT-END ARCHITECTUREWhile at lower frequencies, single devices or single MMICs are placed into a package, this mostly is not effective at millimeter wave frequencies. Even a single MIMIC is no longer small compared to wavelengths resulting in package resonance problems, and the cumulating effects of the interconnects from the MIMIC to the package feed-through, out of the package and from one packaged component to the other will add to high insertion and return losses. Therefore, carefully designed assemblies of MIMICS, passive components, radiating structures and other elements have to be combined to subsystems or "supercomponents" and will be placed together on a metal or dielectric carrier, shielded by a single package with special precautions against package resonances. Two examples for this will be presented in section VI. The (combination of components will be determined by good functionality, short interconnects for low noise figure or low loss in transmitter power paths, low number of package feed-through elements, limitation of interferences between single components, limitation of gain within one package (feedback prevention), sufficient remov...