The main purposes of this paper are to offer a low-cost solution that can be used in engineering education and to address the challenges that Industry 4.0 brings with it. In recent years, there has been a great shortage of engineering experts, and therefore it is necessary to educate the next generation of experts, but the hardware and software tools needed for education are often expensive and access to them is sometimes difficult, but most importantly, they change and evolve rapidly. Therefore, the use of cheaper hardware and free software helps to create a reliable and suitable environment for the education of engineering experts. Based on the overview of related works dealing with low-cost teaching solutions, we present in this paper our own low-cost Education Kit, for which the price can be as low as approximately EUR 108 per kit, for teaching the basic skills of deep learning in quality-control tasks in inspection lines. The solution is based on Arduino, TensorFlow and Keras, a smartphone camera, and is assembled using LEGO kit. The results of the work serve as inspiration for educators and educational institutions.